We need to be honest: we don't understand how most medications and supplements work. We can see the result, and make a leap of faith that the result comes from the medications and treatments, or procedures, but that is faith. I know that for most viruses getting outdoors is a huge help. Exposure to sunlight triggers the body to do many things. Some are good and some are bad.

I have prescribed hypnosis and acupuncture for pain relief, without having a clue how they work. Well, that's not entirely true, I do understand quite a bit about how hypnosis works, but know nothing about acupuncture except that it works. The same was true for a long time with dental anesthesia gas; there was no anesthetic effect from the nitrous oxide, it was simply depriving the patient of oxygen.

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We eat healthy for the most part, it is a good habit to get into.

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You think like a naturopathic physician, while your philosophy would make even us obsolete. That's okay though. :-)

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Where is the subscription button? 😁

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